IT Project at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Design is a funny word.
Some people think design means how it looks.
But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works.
- Steve Jobs
Our technical report can be found here: ID1003 Documentation
Our user manual can be found here: ID1003 User Manual
Thursday - May 18th
The team has sat down to discuss the final sprint and its intended outcome. The focus of the final sprint will be to tie up any loose ends and deploy a bug free product. The back-end team is working on setting up a mail server using the SendGrid plug-in for Heroku. The android team is working on retrieving user lists from all activities and implementing the new designs for the menu. Some of the team are working on bug fixes, a refactor has also been done.
We would like to invite you to the final sprint demo on Wednesday and the Project Expo on Thursday May 18th. See you!
Friday - May 12th
Today the team presented their third demo which included several new features.
Users can now get directions to other users or the meeting point. With the use of a toggle switch users can disable their location being updated. The app also includes a list of all members, whose activity is shown in different colours. A status window appears when clicking on user pins.
A fair amount of time was also spent on refactoring and bug fixing. We also made a point of redefining our definition of "DONE" to reduce the risk of bugs.
The back-end team continued to improve authentication as well as role-based access control (RBAC). We are now also using a PostgreSQL database.
The android team has been aligning the app to be almost identical to the web app as well as improving the the UI.
We have set up a deployment pipeline and successfully deployed our first beta version to Google Play.
Wednesday - May 10th
The third sprint is well under way and the team is working on some awesome features such as navigation, status updates, drop down lists and user activity. Both the design and UI are constantly improving. Authentication and authorization are also being tackled at the moment. Stay tuned for the upcoming demo on Wednesday.
Monday - May 8th
After having completed the second sprint the team has now built a fully functional android app.
The back-end team have implemented authentication using JSON Web Tokens as well as job scheduling to expire tokens. An email infrastructure has been set up to enable login via a magic link. Furthermore the user functionality has been improved to enable custom user names, statuses and ten most recent locations.
The front-end team worked on improving the UI by designing and enabling smooth updating of pins. Users can personalise their experience with the use of a nickname prompt. An out of bounds pointer has been added to show the rough location of users that are not visible on the map. The front-end has also been deployed on heroku.
For this sprint we launched an android team. The team built an app that resembles the web app. It uses the location services of a device to position the user on the map. The app offers authentication with Google sign in and the use of an App Link.
Thursday - May 4th
After a long and tedious process we are pleased to announce that our web application will be available under the following domain name:
We invite you to come and join us at our sprint demo tomorrow, for which we are currently preparing. We hope to present a variety of new features and design improvements. See you tomorrow! :)
Tuesday - May 2nd
We are delighted to announce that a first version of our web and android app have been released and are undergoing the initial testing phase.
Friday - April 28th
Considering our limited prior knowledge of Scrum and agile methodologies the project got underway to an excellent start!
The back-end team were able to set up a RESTful web-server and implement the Java Persistence API to access a relational database in an object oriented fashion.
The front-end team designed and built a share-button as well as icons for the map to facilitate our initial user interface. They also manged to integrate the Google Maps API into the UI.
The team succeeded in building up a connection between front- and back-end to create a fully functional MVP:
A meetup can be created, to which new users can be added with the use of the share button. Users are able to see the location of other users on the same map.
Tuesday - April 25th
We are setting out to create a service that enables people to spontaneously meet up anywhere. Users will be able to join a meetup and see the location of their friends on a map. Our service will be available as both a web- and an android-application.
Tuesday - April 18th